February 27 - March 1, 2013
Marriott Grand
Hotel Resort, Golf Club and Spa, Point Clear, AL
Would you
like to begin a peer helping program in your school/organization
or get more out of the peer helping program you have in
place? Adult leaders of youth peer helper/listener programs
- including educators, counselors, mental health practitioners,
school administrators, and non-profit professionals - will
gain training, education, best practices, ideas, and resources to
get started. This
program has been approved by the National Board for Certified
one of two options:
Option 1
- Attend a day-long training track on Wednesday, 2/27:
101 - Building
a Peer Helping Program from the Ground Up - or
201 - Training
Active, Effective Peer Helpers,
and attend breakout sessions Thursday, 2/28 and Friday, 3/1 - $375.00
Option 2
- Attend breakout sessions on Thursday, 2/28 and Friday, 3/1 -
hotel rate (not included in conference fee):
$119.00 per night at the beautiful Marriott Grand Hotel on Mobile
Bay. The Grand Hotel will waive the resort fee upon check-in for
conference attendees only, even if you have already made hotel
reservations online or by phone.
The conference is co-sponsored by
the National Association of Peer Program Professionals, and NAPPP
certification will be offered.
educators: after completing online conference registration and
payment, please register via STI for PD-NAPPP-2013.
Click below to
access the conference agenda, session descriptions, and online
registration, or see conference details and online registration
at www.jennifermoorefoundation.com under
the Conference
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