Friday, November 30, 2012

Minority Fellowship Program

Please see the attached announcement of the Minority Fellowship Program from the NBCC Foundation which  is available to students currently enrolled in CACREP-accredited doctoral programs. Because this opportunity will be available over a multi-year period, master’s students who are considering doctoral study should be aware of it.  Please forward this announcement to any student you think might be interested.

Thursday, November 29, 2012

ASERVIC Teaching Module Project

ASERVIC Teaching Module Project

The Association for Spiritual, Religious, and Ethical Issues in Counseling (ASERVIC) is excited to send out a call for submissions to continue the teaching module project  to assist counselor educators with the integration of spiritual and religious issues in the CACREP core classes. We were excited by the quality of submissions from the first call but could use additional modules to assist counselor educators. Currently, there are nine teaching modules that have been uploaded to the ASERVIC website ready for integration into your classroom!  

Original materials will be peer-reviewed for an on-line publication on the ASERVIC website.

If you are interested in submitting a module, please submit the following:
1. Title page to include title, author(s), affiliation, and contact information.
2. An abstract in Word format (only) with a maximum of 750 words that provides an overview of your module, a clear identification of the CACREP-core content area, and appropriate objective(s) for the proposed module.
3. A PowerPoint presentation to include a maximum of 15 black and white (only) PowerPoint slides in Word format (only), Times Roman, 18 pt. The PowerPoint must also include an activity, experiential exercise, and/or case study for discussion. On the first slide, please list title, author(s), affiliation, and contact information.

All submissions should be sent electronically to
Deadline for proposals: March 15, 2013.

Submission of materials is acknowledgment by the author(s) that materials may be used by others for teaching purposes, in part or in total, to assist counselor educators with the integration of spiritual and religious issues into curriculum courses.

Warm regards,
Lisa Jackson-Cherry on behalf of the Editorial Review Committee

Lisa Jackson-Cherry, Ph.D., LCPC, NCC, ACS, NCSC
Professor and Department Chair
Department of Counseling
Marymount University
2807 N. Glebe Road
Arlington, Va. 22207

Call for Monographs: Connecting Soul, Spirit, Mind, and Body

Call for Monographs
Connecting Soul, Spirit, Mind, and Body:
A Collection of Spiritual and Religious Practices in Counseling
A few years ago, a call was sent out for monographs for a tentative book. At the request of the members of ASERVIC, we are excited to resume this project. Submitted monographs will be peer-reviewed for an on-line article submission.  We will continue the guidelines set forth for the current collection but expand to include monographs on world religions and practices:
 Those who submitted monographs previously will be contacted to determine interest in continuing with this project. There is no need to re-submit as all monographs have been located.

Manuscript format and content requirements:

1.      Author’s full name, credentials, academic or agency affiliation, e-mail, phone, and two sentences of author information.
2.      Manuscript should include: 
Theoretical foundation and relevant research.
Definition/Description and History (Definition/description and brief historical overview of the experience or practice);
Indications (How the experience/practice can/should be addressed/used in the counseling process);
Cautions/Contraindications (Any factors that should limit or eliminate attention to the experience or use of the practice or that indicate need for referral; if a practice is “unproven” or “developing,” so specify per 2005 ACA ethics);
3.      Suggested Resources (Print and/or internet resources for counselor to find information to develop further expertise and/or find training to develop competence in addressing the experience or using the practice in counseling);
4.      References
Length: 5 to 8 pages of double spaced text (not counting title page, References page, and author information) adhering to APA 6th edition format and in a Word document.

All submissions should be sent electronically to
Deadline for proposals: March 15, 2013.

Ryan D. Foster, PhD, LPC-S (Texas), NCC
Assistant Professor
Department of Counseling
Marymount University
2807 N. Glebe Road
Arlington, VA  22207

Mental Health Therapist



Master's degree in Behavioral Science with specialization in counseling. Licensed therapist (or license eligible) in State of Florida. Three to five years of counseling experience working with children. Well-developed verbal and written communication skills. Knowledge of community resources. Bilingual preferred (English-Spanish). Please send resume to Michelle.

Brief Description of Job Responsibilities:

• Complete intake process for prospective customers.
• Provide Psychosocial assessments (DSM IV-TR).
• Collaborate with customers for development of a mutually agreeable treatment plan.
• Provide professional clinical counseling services for children.
• Collaborate with peers for the development and marketing of professional clinical counseling services.
• Provide services within a professional code of ethics.
• Ensure clinical record documentation within professional and organization standards.
• Complete and submit required agency reports in a timely manner.
• Perform other duties as assigned.

Michelle Diaz
Administrative Assistant District III
Catholic Charities
2210 Santa Barbara Blvd
Naples, FL 34116
' (239) 455-2655
Fax: (239) 455-7235

Medical Errors Required 2 CEUs

Gulfcoast Mental Health Counselors invite you to:

Medical Errors Required 2 CEUs
Monday, January 28, 2013, 11:30-2:00
    Presented By:
Margot Escott MSW, LCSW

At Florida Gulf Coast University
10501 FGCU Blvd S, Fort Myers, Florida 33965
Cohen Center-Student Union 213
Get parking pass at parking booth-it’s easy and free!

11:30 am Sign-in and Catered Networking Lunch Meeting,
                           2 CEU Presentation Begins promptly at Noon

 2 CEUs provided by Florida Gulf Coast University – Counseling & Psychological Services CE Provider# 50-13783. Florida Board of Clinical Social Work, Marriage and Family Therapy and Mental Health Counseling expires 3/31/2013
and Florida Board of Psychology expires 5/31/2013.

RSVP required, as space is limited for this popular CEU!
1  LMHC’s RSVP and pay dues on-line at, this workshop is included in yearly membership dues (October-October).
1  Mental Health Graduate Students are free. Please RSVP on-line at!
1  Psychologists, LCSWs and MFTs are welcome to attend the 2 CEU Medical Errors Workshop and lunch – only $30 for this session. Please RSVP and pay on-line at

Not a member? LMHC’s join GMHC today! Annual dues are only $40 and include a CEU opportunity every quarter, plus lunch. This is a great opportunity for learning and networking with other professionals. offers more information regarding Gulfcoast Mental Health Counselors and upcoming events. Please direct questions to Jill Isaacson, President of GMHC.
or call 239-590-7950. 

Wednesday, November 28, 2012

Survey: integration of career-related topics into counseling services

Attention all doctoral students and current faculty! Please consider participating in a short (only 3 questions!) survey about the integration of career-related topics into counseling services. The survey is approved by the IRB boards at the University of Tennessee and Kent State University. If you are interested in participating, please click on the link below or copy and paste it into your internet browser.

Thank you for your consideration,

Melinda M. Gibbons, Ph.D., NCC
Associate Professor
School Counseling Coordinator
Counselor Education
Department of Educational Psychology and Counseling
441 Claxton Complex
University of Tennessee
Knoxville, TN 37996

Call for Program Proposals for the ACES 2013

Call for Program Proposals for the ACES 2013 Conference, October 17th-20th in Denver, Colorado.

The conference theme is “Promoting Unity While Affirming Diversity.” The types of programs are listed below. Complete information on the program proposal development and submission is available on the conference website . The deadline for submission is January 31st, 2012 at 11:59pm MST.

Types of ACES INFORM Programs
            50-minute Education Sessions – Pre-conference Wednesday, October 16, 2013
            2-hour Advanced Research Training Sessions – During the General Conference

Types of General Conference Programs
            50-minute Education Sessions
            50-minute Roundtable Sessions
            30-minute Poster Sessions
            90-minute Research Symposia NEW FOR 2013

NEW FORMAT FOR 2013: Research Symposia

A symposium is a focused session in which multiple participants present their research about a common theme, issue, or question. These 90-minute sessions consist of three 15-20 minute presentations followed by 30 minutes of facilitated discussion. A discussant will facilitate a conversation between presenters and the audience. Discussant’s role is to synthesize key issues and findings raised by presenters and facilitate a conversation that reflects the body of work presented.  More information on research symposia and the

Please visit the conference website  for additional information.

Self Care Healing

Click to enlarge:

LARC: Instructor for Developmentally Disabled

LARC: In Home Support Specialist

Senior Friendship Center Position

Position: LARC

Monday, November 26, 2012

Eight Components of College and Career Readiness Counseling

Advocacy and Policy Center

Register Now for This Week's Webinar on NOSCA's Eight Components of College and Career Readiness Counseling

Please join the College Board Advocacy & Policy Center's National Office for School Counselor Advocacy (NOSCA) as we continue our fall series of webinars. These 60-minute, content-packed webinars will provide participants with the information, knowledge and skills to ensure that all students — especially underrepresented student populations — are college and career ready.

It's not too late — registration is still open for this week's webinar on college and career readiness.

Nov. 28
Tools and Resources to Meet the Needs of Young Men of Color

Wednesday, Nov. 28, 2012, 1–2 p.m. EST

•  Jennifer Dunn, Director, The College Board, NOSCA

•  Nancy Barile, Teacher, Revere High School
•  Alfredo Martinez, 11th-Grade Student, Revere High School
•  Jose Padilla, 11th-Grade Student, Revere High School
•  Rawlings Toglan, 12th-Grade Student, Revere High School
•  William Truong, 12th-Grade Student, Revere High School

Gain insights into the knowledge, skills and transformative practices necessary to effectively assist the young men of color in your school. Learn how to use the workbook that accompanies the Transforming the Educational Experience of Young Men of Color Journal (both downloadable on the NOSCA website) to encourage dialogue about the needs and experiences of young men of color. Hear from students as they share their stories, challenges and hopes for the future.
Interested in obtaining more information, knowledge and skills to enable college and career readiness?
Sign up for the last webinar in our fall 2012 series:

School Counselors and FAFSA Completion: Systemic Best Practices to Increase FAFSA Submissions and Completions in Your School
Dec. 12, 2012, 1–2 p.m. EST
Register now

You can also view our archive of past webinars.
Download the PowerPoint presentations or listen to the recordings.

Please share this information with your colleagues.

For more professional development, join us in the Big Easy for our annual conference, Destination Equity 2013, at the New Orleans Marriott in the heart of the French Quarter. Register today.

We appreciate your support.

Pat Martin
Assistant Vice President
The College Board
National Office for School Counselor Advocacy (NOSCA)

Important links

To learn more about NOSCA, visit
Follow us    facebook   twitter

The College Board Advocacy & Policy Center was established to help transform education in America. Guided by the College Board's principles of excellence and equity in education, we work to ensure that students from all backgrounds have the opportunity to succeed in college and beyond. We make critical connections between policy, research and real-world practice to develop innovative solutions to the most pressing challenges in education today.

The College Board's National Office for School Counselor Advocacy promotes the value of school counselors as leaders in advancing school reform and student achievement. It seeks to endorse and institutionalize school counseling practice that advocates for equitable educational access and rigorous academic preparation necessary for college readiness for all students.

© 2012 The College Board, 45 Columbus Avenue, New York, NY 10023-6992. All rights reserved. View a complete list of College Board trademarks.

“The Many Manifestations of Addiction"

Saturday, November 24, 2012

What Brand Is Your Therapist?

In the summer of 2011, after I completed six years of graduate school and internship training and was about to start my psychotherapy practice, I sat down with my clinical supervisor in the Los Angeles office we’d be sharing. It had been a rigorous six years, transitioning from my role as a full-time journalist always on tight deadlines to that of a therapist whose world was broken into slow, thoughtful hours listening and trying to help people come to a deeper understanding of their lives. My supervisor went over the filing systems, billing procedures and ethical quandaries like whether to take referrals from current clients, but we never discussed how I would get these clients. I fully assumed, in what now seems like an astounding fit of naïveté, that I’d send out an e-mail announcement and network with doctors, and to paraphrase “Field of Dreams,” if I built it, they would come.

Full article >>>

Friday, November 16, 2012

Free Thanksgiving Dinner

School Counselor Position: MANATEE ELEMENTARY SCHOOL

Time: Full Time Calendar: 198
Posted Date: 11/15/2012 Closing Date: 11/22/2012 Start Date: 12/03/2012 Salary: Instructional

Minimum Requirements: (SCHOOL COUNSELOR - 1.00)
Master’s degree in Guidance and Counseling or Counselor Education, that includes three (3) semester hours in a supervised counseling practicum in an elementary or secondary school, required. Basic computer skills required (e.g., ability to use e-mail). Eligible for Florida Certificate in Guidance and Counseling.

Tuesday, November 13, 2012

Student Scholarship Opportunity to attend ACA 2013

The Association for Specialists in Group Work (ASGW) Graduate Student and New Professional Committee is offering an exciting opportunity for 10 graduate students to meet and interact with leading counseling professionals at the American Counseling Association 2013 Annual Conference & Exposition in Cincinnati, OH (March 20-24).

In return for seven hours of their time split between the booth and the ASGW suite, graduate student volunteers will receive a $200 stipend. Student volunteers need to be enrolled in a full-time graduate program at the time of the conference. Each applicant must electronically submit the application form along with a 500 word personal statement addressing how your professional development and leadership might be enhanced through conference attendance and involvement in professional organizations such as ASGW.

The application deadline to serve as a student volunteer is December 7, 2012. Please email your completed application form and 500 word statement as an attachment to: Dr. Chinwé Uwah Williams, ASGW Graduate Student Committee Co-Chair. Email: Please contact Dr. Williams for an application.

Information about other ASGW scholarships and conferences can be found on the Association for Specialists in Group Work website at

FGCU Graduate Counseling Program Mission

The mission of Florida Gulf Coast University’s (FGCU) Counseling Program is to prepare exemplary professional practitioners, leaders, and scholars. The program uses a research-practitioner approach that integrates the use of current technology, supervised field experiences, scholarly inquiry, and intellectual and creative resources to work with an increasingly diverse and global society. The program trains counselors who work in pre-K through grade 12 schools, social service, government agencies, hospitals, community organizations, and private practice. The FGCU counseling program educates well-rounded counselors who demonstrate competence included in the high standards as set forth by our accreditation and professional organizations

Monday, November 12, 2012

Job stress and mental health problems contribute to higher rates of physician suicide

Public release date: 12-Nov-2012

Contact: Beata Mostafavi
University of Michigan Health System
Job stress and mental health problems contribute to higher rates of physician suicide

Despite high access to health care, doctors are less likely to seek mental health treatment; trouble at work is associated with higher suicide risk for physicians

ANN ARBOR, Mich. — Doctors who commit suicide appear to be under-treated for mental health problems, despite their seemingly good access to health care, a new University of Michigan study shows.

Although more physicians than non-physicians in the study had known mental health problems prior to suicide, this didn't translate into a higher rate of antidepressant use, according to the study, which appears in General Hospital Psychiatry and provides a deeper look at why physicians may have a higher-than-average suicide rate.

Major depression is a known risk factor for suicide, particularly for female physicians.

Stigma, lack of confidentiality, and desire to self-treat may explain why physicians don't seek formal treatment for mental health problems, says lead author Katherine J. Gold, M.D., M.S.W., M.S., assistant professor of family medicine and of obstetrics and gynecology at the University of Michigan Medical School.

The study found that physicians who committed suicide were much more likely to have potentially lethal prescription medications in their system – but not medication prescribed for depression.

"Even though this population presumably has very good access to health care, it doesn't appear that they're getting adequate treatment," Gold says. "I think stigma about mental health is a huge part of the story. There is a belief that physicians should be able to avoid depression or just 'get over it' by themselves."

Other findings:

There was a difference in methods for suicide. Firearms were the No. 1 method for both groups. The No. 2 method for physicians was an overdose, likely related to the physicians' knowledge of lethal drug dosing and prescribing ability.
On-the-job stress could also be a bigger suicide risk factor for physicians, according to the study. A physician who commits suicide is far less likely to have had a recent death of a friend or family member or a crisis contribute to the suicide but much more likely to have a job problem contribute. Gold says this finding suggests that a physician's identity is strongly linked to the job role and physicians may be particularly vulnerable to problems at work.
The U-M study follows up work from another U-M Family Medicine study that addressed risk factors for stress and burnout among medical students.

"This paints a more detailed picture of external events and risk factors in a physician's life before a suicide, rather than just looking at a death certificate," Gold says.

"We've seen a number of studies now that show a high rate of anxiety, depression and burnout among both medical students and physicians but we haven't done very much to develop programs to reduce or treat these risk factors and to increase mental health-seeking among physicians," Gold adds.

"There needs to be greater effort to address the stigma, under-diagnosis and treatment of depression among physicians and understand how we can reduce the stress related to work. We need to make mental health treatment more available, safe and confidential."

Additional authors: Thomas L.Schwenk, M.D., former chair of U-M's Department of Family Medicine, now dean of the University of Nevada School of Medicine and vice president of the University of Nevada, Reno, Division of Health Sciences; and Ananda Sen, Ph.D., research associate professor in the U-M Department of Family Medicine.

Reference: "Details on suicide among U.S. physicians: data from the National Violent Death Reporting System," General Hospital Psychiatry (2012),

Middle School Counselor position available at the American School of Dubai

Middle School Counselor position available at the American School of Dubai. Please apply online at:

Sunday, November 11, 2012

Call for Submissions: Safe Schools for Queer and Trans Students

Call for Submissions:

Special Issue of Journal of LGBT Issues in Counseling on:

Safe Schools for Queer and Trans Students

Deadline for Submissions: January 15, 2013

The Journal of LGBT Issues in Counseling invites submissions for a special issue on Safe Schools for Queer and Trans Students.

Planned publication date for the special issue is December 2013. The purpose of this special issue is to call the counseling field to consider interventions, roles, best practices, and/or advocacy efforts to promoting safe and inclusive environments for queer and trans youth in our K-12 schools. Proposals should address the ways counselors (school counselors, student affairs counselors, clinical mental health counselors, and marriage and family therapists) can work systemically to address homoprejudice/homphobia, biprejudice/biphobia, transprejudice/transphobia, and other oppressions that impact queer youth in our schools, paying particular attention to intersecting identities. Proposals should be grounded in social justice, feminist, multicultural, and liberatory frameworks and approaches to working with queer and trans youth.

The editors of this special issue are interested in research, theory, and practice-based proposals. The emphasis for this special issue is on proposals addressing K-12 schools, but community and student affairs counselors with activist or community-based interventions, to which the school is a part of the system/intervention are also welcome. This Special Issue is particularly focused on new and innovative strategies that are systemic and collaborative, and that attend specifically to issues of justice and intersecting identities for queer youth.

If you are interested in the possibility of authoring an article in this special issue, please submit a 15-page manuscript by January 15, 2013. All submissions will go through a peer review process, and therefore not all submissions will be accepted into the journal. We hope to include articles by established scholars in safe schools and to concurrently highlight new voices in the field. We encourage collaborative authorship with students, community-based organizers, and activists. Finished practice, theory, and research-based articles will be 15 double-spaced manuscript pages in length, not including references. Submissions must be original and not previously published and written in APA-6th ed. style. Proposals will be reviewed as they are received.

The deadline for proposal submission is 1/15/13. Please submit an electronic copy of your proposal to Amney Harper at and a copy to Anneliese Singh at We are happy to discuss the special issue with you by email. After initial review, co-editors will communicate decisions by 2/15/13. If a proposal is selected, the manuscript revision will be due by 3/15/13. Subsequent anonymous, peer-reviews and author revisions according to reviewer feedback will each have 30-day cycles. No extensions will be provided due to the tight timeline for the special issue.

We look forward to receiving your proposal.

Amney Harper and Anneliese Singh (Special Issue Co-Editors)

University of North Texas Ph.D. in Counseling

The University of North Texas doctoral program in counseling is now recruiting qualified applicants for the 2013 Doctoral Cohort.
Applications due November 15, 2012. The qualified applicant is committed to excellence in teaching, clinical practice, research, professional involvement and other scholarly pursuits.

UNT offers nationally competitive graduate assistantships with benefits, in-state tuition, and a wide range of scholarships to incoming doctoral students.
for doctoral program information and application.

The UNT Counseling Ph.D. program is CACREP-accredited, and the Counseling Program is a two-time recipient of the ACES Outstanding Program Award.
Since 1998 when U.S. News & World Report began ranking counseling and counseling psychology programs housed in colleges of education,
the UNT counseling program has ranked for 10 years among the top 20 programs nationally and 1st in Texas; for 2011-12, the program is ranked 12th in the U.S..
The UNT Counseling Program, faculty, and students have received multiple other local, state, and national honors for their professional contributions.
To learn more, please visit

Our 14 full-time faculty members offer seasoned mentoring in research and teaching, and they serve as active leaders in professional associations.
As a result, students are afforded exceptional opportunities for intensive involvement with the faculty in teaching, research, scholarly writing, and service.
The Program faculty’s national expertise provides diverse areas of study beyond the CACREP core, including such areas as play therapy, animal-assisted therapy, and transpersonal counseling.
The UNT counseling program takes great pride in providing excellent clinical training and experience. Our commitment is evidenced by our two technology-advanced, on-campus mental health clinics where doctoral interns gain unique, supervised experience with a wide variety of clients.

The University of North Texas is located in Denton, TX, just north of the vibrant Dallas-Fort Worth metroplex. Denton was named America's "Best Music Scene" in 2008 by Paste magazine and rated among the "Top 100 Places to Live" in 2008 and 2009 by Money magazine.

Application Deadline for Summer 2013 is NOVEMBER 15, 2012. On-campus interviews on January 25,2013.

For more information about the program please visit
Please find application information and materials at
You can contact the counseling office at 940-565-2910 or email or
Dr. Sue Bratton, Professor of Counseling and Chair of Doctoral Admissions at

Saturday, November 10, 2012

School Counseling Positions from Connections Academy

School Counseling Positions from Connections Academy

Position Announcement - Project Coordinator

Hiring Salary/Salary Range: $75,000 to Negotiable

Duties: The Project Coordinator serves as the administrator at our Tallahassee office for the Student Support Services Project (University of South Florida), a discretionary project from the Florida Department of Education. The Project Coordinator is responsible for collaboration and coordination with the Project Director, strategic planning for the Student Support Services Project, supervision and support of the project professional staff (School Psychology, School Counseling, School Social Work, School Nursing, School-based Medicaid) and support staff.

Minimum Qualifications (Education & Experience): Masters degree or higher in Education or directly related field. Five years of experience at the state education department and/or district leadership levels.

Preferred Qualifications (Education & Experience): Experience in Student Services, Exceptional Student Education and/or District/School Leadership teams. Preference is given to state and district level leadership experience. Experience with staff supervision and problem-solving. Experience working with inter-agency collaboration. Experience with systems level problem-solving. Experience with the organization of Student Services and Exceptional Student Education within a MTSS model, including allocation, delivery and evaluation of those services. Experience with developing, delivering and evaluating professional development programs and activities. Experience with the use of technology in the delivery of instructional and instructional support services to accelerate student growth and an understanding of the Universal Design for Learning (UDL) model.

Special Skills/Licenses/Training/Certifications Necessary: Knowledge and experience with instructional support personnel performance evaluations. Knowledge and experience with Multi-tiered System of Supports/Response to Intervention. Knowledge/experience with the development, implementation and evaluation of federal and/or state statutes/regulations. Understanding the relationship between student services and student academic/behavior outcomes within a return on investment model. Understanding of the Common Core State Standards and the implication of the implementation of those standards for student services and ESE personnel.

• Click on Administration button.
• Scroll to bottom of screen and search by Posting Number — 0008470. Click Search button.
• Click “View” under “Project Coordinator” for detailed job description and link to online application.

2012 National Survey of School Counselors

Counselors and administrators shared their perspectives on the biggest obstacles counselors face in their efforts to adopt the Eight Components as their overall approach to counseling students.

This report, True North: Charting the Course to College and Career Readiness, demonstrates that school counselors and their administrators share a vision for their schools and agree on a path to realize it. In the past, the more than 130,000 school counselors nationally have struggled to define their profession. Now, faced with an incontrovertible need to improve student achievement, school counseling is no longer at a crossroads. The 2012 National Survey of School Counselors, supported by a supplemental survey of school administrators, provided powerful evidence that school counselors and their administrators know true north — and they are poised to chart the course of their students’ college and career success.

Wednesday, November 7, 2012

Untreated Depression and Suicide

"Untreated depression is the number one cause of suicide, and suicide is the third leading cause of death among teenagers". (NIMH)
  • Lee Mental Health does clinical assessments for kids and adults all day and you can just walk in...
  • Over 3800 people called NAMI Lee  information and referral line last year for help with navigating the mental health delivery system, 337-9024.
  • To Write Love On Her Arms is a great resource for students, parents, and teachers and it is my understanding that there is at least one public high school in Lee County and a number of local Colleges that have chapters on campus.
Don't forget.. to get involved join us and the more than 200 people already signed up at FGCU's Children's Mental Health Conference On Nov 17!

Finally, no person ever committed suicide because a caring person was sharing suicide prevention information.  

Greg Gardner
Executive Director
NAMI Lee County
Direct line 462-8647
Office 337-9024
Twitter: NAMILeeCountyFL

Please Remember NAMI Lee In Your Will or Living Trust. 

A United Way Partner Agency

Tuesday, November 6, 2012

Seattle's mentally ill on streets helped by 'roaming counselor'

If you’ve been to downtown Seattle, you’ve probably seen people talking to themselves on street corners, or shouting at strangers. Now there’s a fresh face trying to help those in psychiatric crisis.

Read more:

Therapy via Skype? More therapists stay mobile with new technology


LAKEWOOD RANCH -- Linda Martin is well into her 60s, but that doesn't mean she's behind in the digital age.

A longtime mental health counselor in the Bradenton area, Martin is using new media to operate her counseling practice and accommodate clients in the ever-changing digital world.

From her office in Bradenton or Lakewood Ranch, while on vacation out of state, or even at home, Martin can hold sessions with patients through new communications venues. Going mobile has also benefitted patients who can avoid canceling appointments, Martin says, and make or cancel appointments online.

Martin says she was always computer savvy, but was encouraged to expand her business through new media after taking a technology course at State College of Florida.

"It's a way of expanding the business, but doing it in a way where I can work more efficiently as one person," she said.

Read more:

Sunday, November 4, 2012

Licensed Clinician (Mental Health Counselor)  In MOUNTAIN HOME, ID


Job ID:1441140
Posted Date:10/30/2012
Company:Idaho Behavioral Health
Position Type:Long Term, 40 Hours per Week
Salary:$.00-$.00 per Hour
depends on experience
Pay Type:Hour


Education:Master's Degree
Driver's License:Standard
Minimum Age:21

Learn more and apply.